
Create insights from drone, plane, and satellite imagery

Spend Less Time Analyzing Aerial Images

With computer vision, you no longer need to manually review aerial imagery and geo-spacial data. A well-trained model can quickly scan thousands of images and return results that even the human eye might miss or even teach a drone to fly itself.
Port Logistics
Audit Real Estate and Property
Monitor Traffic Congestion
Survey Crop Damage

Create a Computer Vision Model in Three Easy Steps

You won’t need to hire a machine learning engineer to implement your own working computer vision model. Roboflow users create custom working models in days, not weeks.

Solve Large Scale Problems From Above

Computer vision can detect and classify objects on the ground and changes in scenery over time. It can also solve more sophisticated problems like analyzing damage to buildings after natural disasters or predicting profits based on the number of cars parked outside retail establishments.

Collect and Label Images For Training

Large-scale aerial images from drones, planes, or satellite imagery can all be used to train a computer vision model. Label this data in Roboflow or outsource to any labeling services. Either way, you get one step closer to training your model.

Continuously Improve and Scale Your Model After Implementation

After uploading your images to Roboflow, we make it easy to train your model and implement it in your production aerial setting. Once your model is live, Roboflow can help you improve its accuracy and even add additional items to detect.

Get The Most Out of Your Aerial Imagery

Roboflow is specifically designed to create more accurate computer vision models using fewer images.
Slice your high-resolution images up into smaller images. This preprocessing step makes it easier for your model to detect small objects, patterns, or fine details.
Create more training data without uploading more images. Generate augmented versions of your source images to simulate the lighting from different times of day.
Version Control
Dataset versions allows you to conduct rapid experimentation with various labeling and training tools. Adjust settings, generate export, and go.
Advanced Dataset Health Check
Helpful charts that provide insight into the quality of your dataset and how to improve it including a breakdown of class balance, dimension insights, and an annotation heatmap.