
Computer Vision is Transforming the Automotive Industry

Computer Vision is the Key Technology in Vehicle Manufacturing

Computer vision is changing every aspect of the automotive industry, from how vehicles are manufactured to how drivers are experiencing the road. Computer vision has become the key to boosting high quality mass production, as well as helping create safer working environments for employees.
Close-up of car engine, with bounding boxes drawn around the bolts.

Quickly Detect Defects and Provide Important Safety Features

Computer vision can replace error-prone manual parts assembly and quality checks in the production line. Within the vehicle, computer vision can power vital safety features like distracted driver monitoring, detecting lane departures, identifying other vehicles and pedestrians, and reading traffic signals.

Collect Image and Video Data for Training

Convert videos and images collected from vehicle and production line cameras into data to build your computer vision model. By using Roboflow Annotate, you can begin labeling and training your own computer vision model today, or outsource these tasks to your preferred annotation service.

Produce a Trained Model in Hours, Not Weeks

Roboflow seamlessly integrates with the most popular labeling services and training tools
Roboflow computer vision cycle

Continuously Improve and Scale Your Model After Implementation

As a centralized management tool for your datasets, Roboflow allows you to deploy your model and scale it as you collect more data. Easily detect and categorize types of defects, adjust configurations, and experiment with different labeling and training services.

Improve Model Quality With Less Data

Roboflow is specifically designed to create more accurate computer vision models using fewer images
Public Datasets
If you don’t have your own imagery, you can still experiment with computer vision. Roboflow hosts dozens of public datasets, including a Self Driving Car object detection dataset that contains thousands of images of cars, bikers, pedestrians, and traffic lights.
Dataset Health Check
Get insight into the quality of your dataset and how to improve it, including a breakdown of class balance and dimension insights. The annotation heatmap indicates how accurately your images have been labeled.
Create more training data without uploading more images. Simulate weather and lighting changes with different contrast levels and degradation. This generated training data improves the accuracy of your model.
Labeling and Training Integrations
We integrate directly with the most popular labeling and training services. This provides you with flexibility when it comes to implementing your model on various devices.

SOC2 and PCI Complaint

Roboflow adheres to strict security and privacy standards. Our organization holds SOC2 Type 2 certification and PCI compliance.
Learn about our security standards
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Get started with our tutorials

Learn how to build the first version of an automotive computer vision model in an afternoon.
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