
Increase Crop Yields and Protect Your Profits

Stay Ahead of Disease, Pests, and Weeds

Computer vision helps you spot problems early so you can act immediately
Plant seedlings in a field with blue sky behind, with bounding boxes around the plants
Plant and Weed Identification
Crop Stress and Plant Disease
Field Management
Produce Grading and Sorting

Produce a trained model in hours, not weeks

Roboflow seamlessly integrates with the most popular labeling services and training tools.

Get a Head Start with Public Datasets

If you don't have your own imagery, that doesn't mean you can't start experimenting with computer vision. Roboflow hosts dozens of public datasets including PlantDoc, an object detection dataset containing 2,598 images that can help identify plant disease.

Robotics + AI + Computer Vision

By combining computer vision with the power of artificial intelligence and robotics, we can essentially equip farmers with agricultural superpowers. We can help them make informed decisions that could boost yields and reduce resource usage.

Continuously Improve Your Model After Deployment

As a centralized management tool for your datasets, Roboflow allows you to deploy your model and scale it as you collect more data. Easily detect additional species, adjust configurations, and experiment with different labeling and training services.

Improve Model Quality With Less Data

Roboflow helps you get the most out of your training data
Slice your high-resolution images up into smaller images. This preprocessing step makes it easier for your model to detect small objects, patterns, or fine details. Crucial information when it comes to identifying plants.
Generate augmented versions of your source images to simulate different weather conditions or times of day. Create more training data without uploading more images.
Version Control
Dataset versions allow you to conduct rapid experimentation with various labeling and training tools. Adjust settings, generate export, and go.
Advanced Health Check
Helpful charts that provide insight into the quality of your dataset and how to improve it including a breakdown of class balance, dimension insights, and an annotation heatmap.

SOC2 and PCI Complaint

Roboflow adheres to strict security and privacy standards. Our organization holds SOC2 Type 2 certification and PCI compliance.
Learn about our security standards
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